9 Kebiasaan Pria Ganteng

Ganteng atau Rapi atau Well-groomed  memang menjadi tren masa kini pria di seluruh dunia, khususnya di daerah perkotaan. Bagaimana menjadi pria yang disukai lingkungan sosialnya adalah salah satunya dengan menjadi pria masa kini yang rapi. Ada sembilan kebiasaan pria ganteng yang juga diamati kalangan industri grooming pria sebagai area bisnis yang menjajikan yang mungkin bisa menjadi inspirasi kamu agar menjadi pria yang ganteng.

1. Mereka Mencari Aroma Tepat
Pria yang wanginya cool biasanya menyisihkan waktu untuk menjelajahi dan mencari, melalui eksperimen-eksperimen, wewangian apa yang terbaik dengan kimia kulit mereka dan kepribadian mereka.

2. Mereka Sadar Akan Tabir Surya
Sinar Ultra Violet dari matahari - bahkan di daerah dingin sekalipun - adalah musuh utama kulit, yang menyebabkan penuaan dan kerusakan gen (DNA). Pria yang ingin terlihat awet muda tahu ini dan ingat selalu untuk melindungi kulit mereka dari kerusakan akibat sinar matahari dengan sunscreen atau tabir surya yang tepat dalam kesehariannya.

3. Mereka Selalu Berfikir Ke Depan
“Our fast-paced modern lifestyle means we can forget some essentials,” says barber and male grooming expert Jason Shankey. “So it’s a good idea to set up a recurring appointment with your barber for a haircut and eyebrow tidy-up, and sync that appointment with your smartphone, ensuring your barber of choice is always free to cut your hair just when it’s needed.”

4. Mereka Selalu Membersikan Gigi
According to a new survey by the British Dental Health Foundation, over 10 per cent of us would rather clean the toilet than floss our teeth every day – an astonishing fact given that gum disease has been linked to everything from diabetes to heart disease to erectile problems.

5. They Exfoliate Before Shaving
“If you want a better shave, get into the habit of using hot water and a face scrub before shaving,” says Daniel Davies, manager at Pall Mall Barbers in London.

“This prepares skin for the shave, lifts hairs and reduces the chance of razor burn and ingrown hairs.”

6. They Down Pints
“Healthy skin is reliant on good hydration levels if it’s to function efficiently,” says Candice Gardner of The International Dermal Institute.

Not only does water promote skin elasticity, the enzymes which facilitate desquamation – the natural process in which skin sheds damaged dead cells – require water to work effectively. “That’s why dehydrated skin can look flaky and dull,” she says.

Gardener recommends getting into the habit of drinking two litres of water a day but suggests using a moisturiser containing humectants (ingredients that help bind water to the skin) as a safeguard too.

7. They Know The Devil’s In The Details
“You can have the most expensive clothes on your back, but if your beard has stray cornflakes in it, your barnet looks like it’s been backcombed with a wire brush or your nails are black with dirt, all your good work will be undone,” says make-up artist and groomer Luke Stephens, whose job is to make men look perfect for the camera.

His top tip? Tidiness is as essential as cleanliness and good hygiene, so make the mirror your friend and check, double-check, and check again before leaving the house.

8. They Treat Their Hair (And Scalp) With Respect
We all know looking after your hair is important but, according to award-winning hairdresser Jamie Stevens, it’s how you look after it that’s crucial.

“Shampooing is not something you should ever do aggressively – the same can be said for towel drying,” he says. “When shampooing your hair, gentle circular motions are just as effective as a good old scrub, but will cause less hair follicle damage. Guys also need to get into the habit of patting their hair dry with a towel as opposed to vigorously rubbing it – especially if they want to avoid unnecessary hair loss and breakage.”

9. They Avoid Bad Habits
“Smoking is probably the most damaging thing a man can do to his skin besides exposing it to the sun and excess sugar,” says dermatologist Dr. David Orentreich. Why? Because smoking reduces blood flow to the skin, which means tissues get less oxygen, leading to a sallow complexion and impaired wound healing.

Too much booze is bad news, too. “Heavy drinkers have a redder, ruddier complexion because alcohol dilates the capillaries under the skin and leads to greater blood vessel formation,” explains Orentreich. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Source : http://www.fashionbeans.com
9 Kebiasaan Pria Ganteng 9 Kebiasaan Pria Ganteng Reviewed by Admin on Friday, December 18, 2015 Rating: 5
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